Formian Taskmaster (CR 7)

Medium Outsider (Extraplanar and lawful)
Alignment: Always lawful neutral
Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Senses: Listen +12 and Spot +12
Languages: Telepathy 250 ft.

AC: 19 (+3 Dex, +6 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 16
Hit Dice: 6d8+12 (39 hp)
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8
Speed: 40 ft.
Space: 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack +6; Grapple +10
Attack: Sting +10 melee
Full Attack: Sting +10 melee and 2 claws +8 melee
Damage: Sting 2d4+4 plus poison, claw 1d6+2
Special Attacks/Actions: Poison, dominate monster, dominated creature
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 19
Special Qualities: Hive mind, immunity to poison, petrification and cold; resistance to electricity 10, fire 10 and sonic 10, SR 21
Feats: Dodge; Improved Initiative; Multiattack
Skills: Climb +13, Diplomacy +6, Hide +12, Intimidate +13, Listen +12, Move Silently +12, Search +9, Sense Motive +12, Spot +12, and Survival +3 (+5 following tracks)
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Medium-size); 10-12 HD (Large)
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground (Mechanus)
Organization: Solitary (1 plus dominated creature) or conscription team (2-4 plus 1 dominated creature each)
Treasure/Possessions: Standard

Source: Monster Manual

Hive Mind (Ex): All formians within 50 miles of their queen are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No formian in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are.

Immunities (Ex): Formians have poison, petrification, and cold immunity.

Resistances (Ex): All formians have fire, electricity, and sonic resistance 20.


Formians build fabulous hive-cities in which hundreds of the creatures dwell. They are born into their station, with no ability to progress. Workers obey orders given by warriors, myrmarchs, or the queen. Warriors carry out the will of their myrmarch commanders or the queen. Myrmarchs take orders only from the queen herself although they have different ranks depending on services rendered. These are not positions of power but of prestige. The most prestigious of the myrmarchs guard the queen. Taskmasters are equal in rank to warriors but seldom interact with other formians.


Taskmasters resemble warriors with no mandibles - no apparent mouth at all, in fact. These formians communicate only telepathically and derive sustenance from the mental energies of those they dominate.

A taskmaster's duty is to gather and control non-formians for integration into the hive. Put simply, taskmasters enslave other creatures. They do not enjoy controlling others but believe it is the only efficient way to spread the hive to all places, a desirable end for all rational creatures. If a taskmaster can manage to "conscript" a laborer without using its dominate person ability, it will.

Those few souls who have escaped refer to formian hive-cities as "work pits." While the formians are not cruel, they are still emotionless - and pitiless.


Taskmasters rely on their dominated slaves to fight for them if at all possible. If necessary, though, they can defend themselves with vicious claws and a poison stinger.

Dominate Person (Su): Taskmasters can use dominate person on any creature as the spell cast by a 10th-level sorcerer (save DC 19), although the subject may be of any type and may be up to Large size. A single taskmaster can dominate up to four subjects at a time.

Dominated Creature (Ex): A taskmaster is never encountered alone: One dominated non-formian creature always accompanies it (choose or determine randomly any creature of CR 4).

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 15); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Strength.

Telepathy (Su): Taskmasters can communicate telepathically with any intelligent creature within 100 feet.

Extraplanar Subtype

A subtype applied to any creature when it is on a plane other than its native plane. A creature that travels the planes can gain or lose this subtype as it goes from plane to plane. This book assumes that encounters with creatures take place on the Material Plane, and every creature whose native plane is not the Material Plane has the extraplanar subtype (but would not have when on its home plane). An extraplanar creatures usually has a home plane mentioned in its description. These home planes are taken from the Great Wheel cosmology of the D&D game (see Chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). If your campaign uses a different cosmology, you will need to assign different home planes to extraplanar creatures.

Creatures not labeled as extraplanar are natives of the Material Plane, and they gain the extraplanar subtype if they leave the Material Plane. No creature has the extraplanar subtype when it is on a transitive plane; the transitive planes in the D&D cosmology are the Astral Plane, the Ethereal Plane, and the Plane of Shadow.

Lawful Subtype

A subtype usually applied only to outsiders native to the lawful-aligned Outer Planes. Most creatures that have this subtype also have lawful alignments; however, if their alignments change, they still retain the subtype. Any effect that depends on alignment affects a creature with this subtype as if the creature has a lawful alignment, no matter what its alignment actually is. The creature also suffers effects according to its actual alignment. A creature with the lawful subtype overcomes damage reduction as if its natural weapons and any weapons it wields were lawful-aligned (see Damage Reduction).

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